mercredi 18 mai 2011

Our contribution to the Grey Market : the Gadget'o'Chair ®

You miss the good old times when you were able to grab a book on a remote shelf?
Going to the supermarket alone became a nightmare ?
Yes , it is tough to be on a wheelchair and we are well aware of it .

That is why our engineers worked very hard to invent a revolutionary chair that will enlighten your days:


It is simple: in fact the Gadget'O'Chair really looks like a standard wheelchair.
A standard wheelchair?
Yes, except for that little red button on the right arm-rest...
Keep it pressed and the chair will lift you up until you remove your finger!

Life will be just as if you could stand on your legs again !
Don't hesitate anymore, get a Gadget'O'Chair!!

The word of our head engineer:
Our main technical innovation for the Gadget'o'chair has been to implement electrical jacks which require a low level of energy to work.
Thanks to the partnership with the SEW-USOCOME corporation ( ), our engineer team has been able to integrate the magnet working jacks to a wheelchair, ensuring a high level of comfort and stability, even while raising you up to 2 meters high. Besides we have worked on battery saving technologies which will ensure a 10 hours independance, riding your chair away from and electrical source.

Our project for an ad :

Kevin, Vincent, Celia, Alexandre

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